the glint in your eye
the giant inside
the gumption, the gumption
the grit to endure
the gulf, the goddess, the goldmine
the gulp when you find
the gift of poetry

by Gail Ingram
"I love this book!" – Joanna Preston

“Writing saves my life. I write every day. It gives shape to my dreams and responses, it is a voice that is and isn’t me. Ha! the disappearing trick of it.”
Gail Ingram writes and lives on the tussock-clad Heathcote hills of Christchurch, Aotearoa /New Zealand. She is the author of two poetry collections Some Bird (SVP 2023) and Contents Under Pressure (Pukeko Publications 2019), and the editor of two anthologies, The Unnecessary Invention of Punctuation (2018) and After the Cyclone (2017), both published by the New Zealand Poetry Society. She holds a First Class Masters of Creative Writing from Massey University, and graduated cum laude from Hagley Writers Institute in 2006.
Her poetry and fiction is widely published in New Zealand and internationally. She is an experienced editor and teacher of writing.