Alpine Flower a Day: – Buchanan's Sedge – A month complete!
Alpine Flower a Day, Day 30, Buchanan's Sedge (Carex buchananii) – a brown sedge grass with tan seed-head flowers – included in our...

Alpine Flower a Day: Scrambling Pohuehue
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 25, Scrambling Pohuehue (Muehlenbeckia complexa) – so pleased to find this one in flower; tiny clusters of...

Alpine Flower a Day: Scarlet Snowberry
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 13, Scarlet Snowberry (Gaultheria crassa) – a little bush about 50cm high with these gorgeous flowers that turn...

Alpine Flower a Day: Korokia
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 11, Korokia (Corokia cotoneaster) – the bush grows up to 3m, flowers about 1cm – on the Banks Track overlooking...

Top ten poetry books published in Aotearoa in 2019
Deadpan by James Norcliffe, How We Talk to Each Other by Victoria Broome, Two or More Islands by Diana Bridge, Landfall 238, takahe 97, List

Reading (performing) poetry
So how am I going to cope reading my five or so poems without fainting onto the foot of the podium when I look out into that sea of wildly e