Alpine Flower a Day: Scarlet Snowberry
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 13, Scarlet Snowberry (Gaultheria crassa) – a little bush about 50cm high with these gorgeous flowers that turn...

Alpine Flower a Day: Hatch's Sun Orchid
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 12, Hatch's Sun Orchid (Thelymitra hatchii) – about 6cm tall, flower about 1.5 cm wide – Jan 2020 1000-acre...

Alpine Flower a Day: Korokia
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 11, Korokia (Corokia cotoneaster) – the bush grows up to 3m, flowers about 1cm – on the Banks Track overlooking...

Alpine Flower a Day: New Zealand Everlastingflower
Alpine Flower a Day: Day. 10, New Zealand Everlastingflower (Anaphalioides bellidioides) – same size as a garden daisy but dry and...

Alpine Flower a Day: Southern Rata
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 9, Southern Rata (Metrosideros umbellata) – the South Island Christmas tree, and the name of my daughter! And my...

Alpine Flower a Day: Mount Cook Buttercup
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 8, Mount Cook Buttercup (Ranunculus lyallii) – world's largest buttercup, the size of a rose - spectacular...

Alpine Flower a Day: Pale White Fingers Orchid
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 7: Pale White Fingers (Caladenia Nothofageti) (note I may not have the identification of this orchid right!) –...

Alpine Flower a Day: Mountain Astelia
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 6, Mountain Astelia (Astelia nervosa) – flowerhead are about the size of a bunch of grapes, though the seed...

Alpine Flower a Day: Spoon-leaved Sundew
Alpine Flower a Day: Day Five, Spoon-leaved Sundew (Drosera spathulata) – each tiny flower about 5mm across – Jan 2021, near tarns, on...

An Alpine Flower a Day: Māori onion
Flower a Day: Day 4, Māori onion (Bulbinella hookeri) – about a metre high – taken near Granity Pass Hut, Mt Owen, Kahurangi National...