Alpine Flower a Day: Large Mountain Daisy
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 14, Large Mountain Daisy (Celmisia Semicordata)
– daisy heads as big as my hand, lovely silver blades as leaves
– Dobson Track, Arthur's Pass in January - a feast of alpine flowers in December and January!

this time, she is walking the Dobson Track on a fine winter's day
and stopping to touch the wine-coloured tips of a tauhinu bush, and bending
to smell the strings of snowberry bells, and pausing
to peer at the pair of mountain daisies from this angle and
this light, and this time is
a birthday party, she's doing
the room, taking a floral plate of prunes
wrapped in pink bacon, offering
them to a tall man, who's tickling
the back of a woman's neck
with his breath, and bending down
amongst the circle of teens,
their heads of clean hair
shimmering with scented shampoo
as they lift their eyes from their phones, and nodding
she is exchanging pleasantries with the old lady
sitting up straight in her twinkling
white dress, and moving here and
there, around the room, gifting tidbits and
touching one group of small-talkers
then another, engaging as she sees fit
for she has plenty of time, for this
is just a second, this is
the time
If you're interested in the inspiration behind this month-long series of 'An Alpine Flower A Day' about NZ alpine flowers and poems, you can find more in my first post: An Alpine Flower A Day Enjoy!
