Alpine Flower a Day: Molloy's Potato Orchid
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 22, Molloy's Potato Orchid (Gastrodia molloyi)
– about half a metre tall with 12 and up flowers on the stalk
– at my friend Rachel's bach in her beech forest garden in Peel Forest

He beholds you
Beholders are in the eye
of beauty, the potato orchid noted
to the man. Do you have a pupil
or tongue or dimpled thigh? she cried
through her green floral noses.
Are you old, Father William, are you
plump? I can't quite see you, I'm a little
blind. Are you spotted or plain?
And what of your name?
Is it frumpy like mine, a cunning-
ham, minor or molloy, do you know,
I'm sure I don't. Are you beloved, beholder,
like I, are you fodder for the screen
with your long white limbs, do you
stand on your head and repel
caterpillars? she said.
And Will replied, yes, yes, that is true,
I am old and blind, and you are to me
quite the find. I behold you, potato,
with my eye because you, it's no lie,
you are a wee beauty.

If you're interested in the inspiration behind this month-long series of 'An Alpine Flower A Day' about NZ alpine flowers and poems, you can find more in my first post: An Alpine Flower A Day Enjoy!