Alpine Flower a Day: Tāranga
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 20, Tāranga, Long-leafed pimelea (Pimelea longiflora) – rose-flushed clusters of tiny flowers in a bunch, each...

Alpine Flower a Day: Mountain foxglove
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 19, Mountain foxglove (Ourisia macrophylla) – little flowers on 50cm tall stalks with relatively big(macro)...

Alpine Flower a Day: Husbands load*
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 18, Husbands load, hari (likehimalotus mihusband) – very large blue flower, four white stems, leaves footprints,...

Alpine Flower a Day: Spencers Gentian
Alpine Flower a Day: Day. 17, Spencers Gentian (Gentianella spenceri) – flowers less than a centimetre – not called Little Gentian...

Alpine Flower a Day: Tauhinu
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 16, Tauhinu (Ozothamnus leptophyllus) – a small shrub, its fingers dipped in wine (often white) buds about to...

Alpine Flower a Day: Giant Speargrass
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 15, Giant speargrass, Spaniard, taramea (Aciphylla colensoi) – nearly tall as me, this one, and oh, what...

Alpine Flower a Day: Large Mountain Daisy
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 14, Large Mountain Daisy (Celmisia Semicordata) – daisy heads as big as my hand, lovely silver blades as leaves...

Alpine Flower a Day: Scarlet Snowberry
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 13, Scarlet Snowberry (Gaultheria crassa) – a little bush about 50cm high with these gorgeous flowers that turn...

Alpine Flower a Day: Hatch's Sun Orchid
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 12, Hatch's Sun Orchid (Thelymitra hatchii) – about 6cm tall, flower about 1.5 cm wide – Jan 2020 1000-acre...

Alpine Flower a Day: Korokia
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 11, Korokia (Corokia cotoneaster) – the bush grows up to 3m, flowers about 1cm – on the Banks Track overlooking...